JEP - Joint Educational Program

AgriWatch team members have over 20+ years of developing JEP and participating in EU-funded research and educational projects.

Main activities:

  • Academic & educational activities: cooperation with universities and private companies in the fields of agriculture, natural resources, water resources, and geoinformatics.

  • Application: Developing farm advisory services and creating use cases for “Sustainable Agriculture” through better monitoring and observing of the environment and its impacts.

  • Method - Model-Based Image Analysis: AgriWatch has developed a framework for the integration of expert knowledge in pattern recognition, image analysis and classification procedures. Collection, processing and analysis of spatial information as a basis for the development of products for risk mapping and crop prediction modelling, especially the understanding and use of expert systems and proper handling of uncertainties.

  • Coordinating operations and executing internships (including remote internships): AgriWatch as an industrial partner can contribute by providing industry insight and hosting the students. AgriWatch can provide a place for students to visit during their industrial practice and experience for ICT-based services and mapping, on-the-job training, and field visits to demonstration farms representative of a region and production content. Initiate new ways of thinking among young entrepreneurs/professionals.

  • Experience and Know-How:

    • Formed interdisciplinary consortia (academia & industry) for JEP and created two MSc courses on “Environmental Modelling” & “Smart Agriculture”.

      #ProjectManagement: participated/coordinated in 14 EU (Erasmus+ KA2, H2020) and 3 international JEPs, managing the capacity-building projects, as well as receiving EU grants (raised a total of more than €30M funding);

    • Development and delivery of Practical Training and Capacity Building.

    • Iran-Netherlands JIK/JKIP MSc course in Geoinformatics.

    • Forming Partnership.

For more information on these MSc degrees & courses, please visit the links below and join us!


Over the past few years, the Industry 4.0 revolution managed to rapidly transform all major industrial sectors, including the agricultural domain where the total addressable market is expected to reach 26.8 billion by 2020. The agricultural IoT infrastructure transformation is enabling crop producers to receive status information from interconnected farms, crops, crop/field, equipment, storage and livestock. Agricultural corporations down to small family farms will be able to monitor the entire plantation ecosystem, spanning from: crop field physical parameters (temperature, light, humidity, soil moisture etc), local climatic conditions and control its irrigation, fertilization and automation (greenhouses).

In contrast, formal Agricultural IoT training on development, installation, service, maintenance & sustainability awareness is in its infancy, especially in the EU. The masTERs course on smArt Agriculture TECHnologies (TERRATECH) project aims to develop an advanced interactive certified MSc course related to Agricultural IoT applications that will train individuals with the necessary skills & knowledge to work in the rising “Smart/Precision Agriculture” industry. The course is also formulated to stimulate transversal competencies such as an increased sense of initiative & entrepreneurship. It will follow the ECTS credit standards for certification recognition across the EU.

The innovative curriculum is comprised of interactive teaching methods & partnerships with expert academic & agriculture organizations to give to the students a solid background for starting a fruitful career in the industry. The course duration is 8 months, plus a 1-month on-the-job training. In addition, in 2 mobility periods, the students & educators from one university will travel to the other and vice-versa, to participate in the large-scale laboratories, whereas a 3rd period is reserved for agricultural on-the-job training.

For more information:



TERRATECH - masTERs course on smArt Agriculture TECHnologies










~ €1M



SmartAgriHubs is a €20 M EU project under the Horizon 2020 instrument, and brings together a consortium of well over 164 partners in the European agri-food sector. The project aims to realise the digitisation of European agriculture by fostering an agricultural innovation ecosystem dedicated to excellence, sustainability and success.

Flagship Innovation Experiment #17: Online Decision Support System for Fertiliser Optimisation.

For more info see:


SmartAgriHubs - Connecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agri-food sector










Some of our Intern experience