We are pleased to be the coordinator of the Easmus+ AgroTec project on Capacity building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (CB VET)

Title: AgroTechnology VET Centres to Network and Train Future Farmers in Jordan and Palestine (AgroTec)

Sector: ICT and Agricultural Technologies


  • Coordinator: AgriWatch BV (the Netherlands)

  • Partners: The University of Jordan, Mutah University (Jordan), National University College of Technology (Jordan), Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Palestine Polytechnic University, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Int@E UG (Germany)

Duration: 36 months

Start Date: 01 Jan 2023

Summary: The AgroTec project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training programme. The main goal of the project is to establish a network of 5 agro-technological centres in 5 Universities in Jordan and Palestine and develop practical and innovative VET courses. The curricula will be developed and the students will be acquainted with the new developments requiring new skills, not addressed in traditional curricula. The consortium is composed of 6 Universities and 2 business partners. The AgroTec centres will promote cooperation between companies and VET institutions as well as create links between all stakeholders of the Agri-Food value chain. These centres will also assist in promoting smart tools for enriching data through IoT sensor networks for soil-crop monitoring, processing, marketing and quality control.

The AgroTec project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training programme. 


AgroTec kick-off meeting

19-20 February 2023


The University of Jordan, UJ

National University College of Technology, NUCT

Amman, Jordan


H2020 SmartAgriHubs Project


PIB Soil Improvement in Poland